Could you please check how it works with some default WordPress themes like TwentyTwenty or WooCommerce Storefront to understand is it our theme issue or not?
Yes, it works with Twenty Twenty theme. The problem is with the WoodMart theme, and I saw that more people had the same problem but it still hasn’t been solved in the new updates of the WoodMart theme.
Please, describe to us your problems in a bit more detail. Attach some screenshots and provide us with a list of steps on how to reproduce them on your website.
I’m trying to create Post Type to create taxonomies and make custom filters, for that I’m using the JetEngine plugin. But when I create a Post Type, it doesn’t appear in the sidebar tools, I can’t access it.
However, when I change the theme to Twenty Twenty, this works normally, I create the Post Type and they appear in the sidebar.
Gives the problem when I have the Woodmart theme active.