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Estimated delivery – how to translate it?

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  • #635739


    Hey guys,

    Estimated delivery – how to translate it? I’ m not able to find the string in the woodmart.po file.



    Please use the Loco translate plugin on your site. After installing the plugin please Navigate to Loco >> Themes >> Woodmart >> Edit the translation which you are using for the site >> Click the Sync button >> Find the words and add the translation for them and save it.

    Also, please Navigate to Loco >> Plugins >> Woocommerce >> Edit the translation which you are using for the site >> Click the Sync button >> Find the words and add the translation for them and save it.

    Also, please Navigate to Loco >> Plugins >> Woodmart-Core >> Edit the translation which you are using for the site >> Click the Sync button >> Find the words and add the translation for them and save it.



    1. Custom (recommended)
    2. This is Loco’s protected folder under “wp-content/languages/loco/” which is safe from automatic updates and provides priority over the above locations.


    If this folder doesn’t exist you may need to create it and ensure it has the correct permissions.


    For more information please read the theme documentation here:

    Best Regards,



    Hi, I have checked but wasn’t able to locate the string manually as I said in my first message.

    Can you please find the string and translate it for me? Also, you can show me exactly where the string is and I can translate it by my own. I’m giving you admin access.



    Did you try to translate it here – https://prnt.sc/9J01pxetqhxy ? Via Loco -> Themes -> WoodMart.

    First, You need to click on the “Sync” button – https://prnt.sc/W_YYHZUUGCPU and then recheck it.

    Best Regards,



    Yes, it’s not working on my end. Please check with your admin account on my website.
    Also, I have tried manually to find the string but it’s not there. By manually I mean I have downloaded the po file.



    I logged into your site and attempted to edit the language files in Loco Translate for both WoodMart and WooCommerce. However, when I click on the edit button, it redirects me to a 404 page and doesn’t allow access to the files. Could you please verify if you’re able to edit the language files? If not, it may be due to a conflict with a third-party plugin or custom code on your site. I recommend disabling third-party plugins to see if that’s the cause. Once we’re able to access and edit the language files, we can proceed with identifying and fixing the issue on your site.

    Best Regards,



    Can you perhaps edit the file itself without a 3rd-party plugin? If the string is there indeed, you will be able to edit the file itself, no?
    I have downloaded the file but the string is not there. That’s what I’m trying to explain.

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