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Filter price for variation based on default variation instead.

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  • #57199



    I have this product A, with below attributes:
    1m – $10
    2m – $20 (set as default price to be shown on all pages)
    3m – $30
    4m – $40

    However when filtering for price eg. Filter price 30-40, it is actually taking into filter all price range within that attributes. So this product (default price 20) is still showing despite filter price 30-40, due to its attributes contains price 30 and 40.

    I would need some help in changing the logic for price filter so that for variations it only takes into account the default price.


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    Please check the issue on one of the default themes to understand where our theme causes the problem. You know, filtering is the functionality of WooCommerce our theme supports all functions but does not influence. Take any default theme of Storefront and check the filtering.

    Best Regards




    I’ve tested the Storefront theme, on a demo site. The filters actually taking into account the default values set for variation product.

    If you check the before and after screenshot attached, I am filtering out the Small MP3 Player by price 40-80.

    However the same behavior does not work on my website.
    Also to add, while it seems that my shop is using ajax to filter, why does it refresh again after filtering ?


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    Artem Temos


    We meant to test how it works with default WordPress theme or Storefront on your website, not on the demo.




    Sorry, I’ve activated the Storefront theme. Its actually not filtering properly.

    What do I do ?


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    Artem Temos

    You selected filter from 40 to 60 and the top price for both products is inside this interval. It is how WooCommerce plugin works.



    That’s the thing, the demo by wc somehow shows that their price filter actually works on the default variation price.

    Is there any problem updating WC plugin to the latest version even while the theme has yet to update to it ?


    Artem Temos

    If the demo works differently from your website, then there is some problem with the plugin. But it is not our theme issue since it doesn’t work with other themes as well as you checked already.



    Just wanna update, it seems that currently there is no filtering based on default variation. What I am trying to do is actually selling my products by units, which I think that by using variations should be enough.

    However, by displaying pricing in ranges complicates thing in term of how customers sees value first of a product. There are plenty of scripts that allows you to display single price on products, be it the lowest figure first or highest or the default variation.

    But then comes problems elsewhere. Filtering by price is still based on all variations in products. Sorting by lowest/highest price also gives the same issue.

    Yea, the official demo from Woo is weird in itself that it behave differently when filtering.
    I have no choice but to subscribe to plugin Measurement Price Calculator to achieve what I wanted.

    Anyway thanks for all the help.


    Artem Temos

    Hope that you will be satisfied with the solution. Write us if you will have any extra questions regarding our theme.


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