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Full-screen colored band

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  • #507972


    I’m trying to create a single full-screen colored band, then the content inside boxed.
    Something normally quite simple. But strangely I can’t do that with your theme.
    I also tried changing the page layout to “Elementor Full Width”

    Is there a problem with Flexbox containers?

    Watch the video I recorded a portion of the screen.
    In the example I duplicated your Home and inserted a band.




    Please insert the site admin access into the Private content below the message area. We will take a closer look at the case.

    In addition, provide the page URL with the problem.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    I have created a test site for you.
    Below are the accesses.

    Thank you



    sorry I had the wrong page link, here it is below.
    I created two yellow bands:
    1. one with the normal Elementor setting, which with your theme is not adapted to the margin by changing the settings.
    2. The other with your “stretch” setting, but with both the settings you have provided, still also stretch the content.
    One setting should leave the content boxed with the face at the margin, the other setting should also stretch the content. But it doesn’t seem to work, with both settings the content is stretch.

    Thank you


    Bogdan Donovan


    Our theme “Container stretch” option is working properly on your site, but it was overwritten by the default Elementor theme “Content width” option. Both of your yellow containers on the test page have the option “Content width” set to “full-width” (screenshot https://prnt.sc/-4LnMj-KY0Cs). If you want the content of the stretch section to take the site container width defined in the theme setting, you need to switch the “Content width” option to the “boxed” value and clear the “Length” input field right beneath the “content width” option (Like it shown on the following video https://gyazo.com/da8a3f883af4b65812fc90b8144ac66c).

    Also using “Content width: boxed” + “Length: custom value” options combined with “Container stretch” you can set custom content container width for any stretched sections (video https://gyazo.com/f21509b37b03074df50336221ddf5a74).

    Kind Regards

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