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General Feedback and Feature Requests

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  • #5217


    Hi Basel,

    thanks for the update. I do have a little more Feedback:

    1) The Social Icons in the footer should lead to the Facebook/Twitter/Google Plus page, etc. and not open the “Share” dialog.

    2) Checkout page: The “responsive-table” element is added asynchronously, so the box in the right column jumps, as well as the headline above the order box:

    3) The Breadcrump position underneath the headline bar is a lot prettier, that in the headline bar
    http://www.miramalas.com/mala-shop/ ==> pretty
    http://www.miramalas.com/individuelle-mala/ ==> not so pretty
    Is there a way to change it? could you introduce one?

    4) Different Logos (important!!)
    – One main logo
    – One for the sticky bar (fallback main logo)
    – One logo for the mobile version (fallback main logo)
    I have seen this in multiple other themes! It’s important, especially if your logo is no landscape.

    5) Primary color chooser
    => it’s great that you enable this, however, for example in the mobile menu and so on, it is’t included, there the background is still black.

    6) Tags are not properly comma separated, there is a blank space that shouldn’t be there:

    That’s it so far! Thanks


    Artem Temos


    Thank you so much for writing your feedback, we very appreciate!

    1. There are two types of social buttons in our theme. So you can change your current shortcode with this one [social_buttons type="follow"]. You can do this in Appearance -> Widgets.

    2. Thank you for noticing this. We will try to fix this in the future.

    3. You can find all the available options for breadcrumbs in Theme Settings -> Page heading. Write us if you have some suggestions to this options section.

    4. It is a very useful feature request. We will definitely take it into the consideration in the future. But it may require to much time to implement (a lot of headers, responsive etc. Everything should be tested very carefuly).

    5. Could you please send us screenshot of what is still in black color?

    6. Will fix it for sure 🙂




    Thanks for your reply:

    Different logo are very important, please introduce quickly.

    As no selected logo is fallback the main logo, existing site will not change at all. There is no need to change the integration type of the logo, simply the URL.

    About the color, the mobile slide in menu background is still in black! You can easily test this by visiting http://miramalas.com and resizing the browser to small size.



    Artem Temos

    Ok, we will think about logo feature.

    If you are talking about mobile navigation so, unfortunately, there is no such option in Theme Settings at the moment. If you want we can provide you with a code snippet to change it’s background color




    I need this code snippet to change the mobile background color


    Artem Temos

    Hi @Teuvo,

    Here is a custom code snippet to change menu background

    .mobile-nav {
        background: #4a310f;


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