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General Layout settings do not change anything

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  • #221406


    It would be wonderful if I could start developing my site instead of troubleshooting why things do not work as stated or the way they work is not in the documentation.

    In trying to change some global settings on my site in General Layout menu, nothing changes except the site width.

    I change the side bar position, save it, go to my site and refresh the page. It’s still the same. Change it to another setting, save it and it’s still the same.
    Change the sidebar size, save it and refresh the site page, it’s still the same.

    You provided a recent answer to install some custom CSS for widget icon/label size, but my other site with the same template does not use the custom CSS ad the icons display correctly.

    https://offgridwholesalers.com is displaying correctly.
    https://theoffgridstore.com will not display correctly without custom CSS

    Both are the same theme. wholesalers site shows icons in the brands sidebar widget correctly. Gridstore site needs custom CSS to not have the icons microscopic sized. Why is there no consistency in this process when the theme is the same and the image content are the same images and the widget settings are the same?

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    1. Please provide your site admin access to the private area.

    2. If the sidebar does not change as per your Theme Settings, please check the page settings for the sidebar: https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/options-for-pages/

    3. Your second site is under maintenance, please provide access to the private area.

    Best Regards



    Does one setting somewhere override other settings some other place and this is not documented?



    The page settings override the Theme settings.

    I do not see the problems with the icons on this site: https://theoffgridstore.com will not display correctly without custom CSS

    Please provide a page URL and screen.

    Best Regards




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    Final screen shot from my sister site without custom CSS and the settings are the same and the images are the same ones.

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    These are not the icons, these are images you have uploaded into the brand items.

    Please use this custom:

    .product-image-summary .woodmart-product-brands img {
       max-width: 90px; 

    Change this custom as per your needs I mean change 90px as you need.

    Best Regards



    Apparently I don’t understand.

    First, the custom CSS does nothing. Does not change the image size in the Brands Filter (icons?). Even if I change it anywhere from 90px to 500px, it’s still the same.

    About the icons? Of course they are images from the brands. Is there another place they come from?

    My sister site has no custom CSS about the icons/images and they display properly. Do you know of any idea why the same theme and same settings and same images display differently?

    Images/icons in brand filter displaying correctly are located on this sister site and page: https://offgridwholesalers.com/product-category/inverters/

    The site with the images/icons displaying smaller (regardless of the custom css) is located here: https://theoffgridstore.com/?product_cat=inverters

    If you cannot get to theoffgridstore, it is because it’s under construction but you have the admin login and link from our previous post #221509 on this subject.



    You upload different image size to different sizes: https://gyazo.com/9f582432df5f862918e9f90484f18629

    Take the images from this site: https://offgridwholesalers.com (rectangular and cut on sides) and upload to this site: https://theoffgridstore.com instead of a square with a lot of empty space on sides.

    Remove the code I have provided it was for the product page.

    Best Regards

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