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Google Font shows different in Google Chrome and Safari

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  • #537790


    I just realized that the font of my website looks different in Google Chrome and Safari.

    First I thought it is because of any mistake in using local fonts but also when I use Google Fonts itself it is the same.

    Google Chrome is showing it correct, Safari don’t. There the font has much more weight and also the underline is missing. Please see attached screenshots.

    Appreciate your help!

    Kind regards,

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    Luke Nielsen


    Could you please check how it works with some default WordPress themes like TwentyTwenty or WooCommerce Storefront to understand if is it our theme issue or not?

    Kind Regards


    Thank you for your answer, you can close this topic. Client wants no underline anyway 😀


    Luke Nielsen


    You are Most Welcome.

    Let us know if there’s anything else we can do for you! You can always reach us at any time. We are always here to help you.

    Best Regards.

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