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Google Pay Position

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  • #422126


    Hi there, just checking if its possible to move the Google Pay button? And whether its current position is from the theme or the plugin? I cannot see an option anywhere to change position in Plugin Settings or Woodmart so thought I would just double check its not a theme issue?

    I would like to move it near the bottom with the other payment methods please.

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    Sorry to say but it is quite difficult to change the position of the Pay Buttons that you mentioned using the Custom CSS because by default the WooCommerce Checkout page Layout is used on the Checkout page and in that Layout, everything is adjusted to their position accordingly. So, if we try to adjust this through Custom CSS then it would be correctly possible and will mess-up the layout and wouldn’t look good.

    So, it would be better if you can try using the Theme’s Layout Builder to create your own Custom Checkout Page Layout and then in that you can try putting the mentioned Pay Buttons element to your required position.

    Here is the Guide to that:

    If those Buttons are appearing on your Site using any Widget, Element or Custom HTML then you can use them under the Custom Checkout page Layout but if they are appearing dynamically by just configuring the Plugin Settings then it wouldn’t be correctly possible to adjust their position. Hope you can understand the limitations in this regard.

    Further, regarding knowing more about the Theme’s Layout Builder, please check the following Guide:

    Hope this helps !

    Best Regards.

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