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Google speed insight low score on the mobile version

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  • #542459


    I have a very low score on google speed insight on the mobile version. However, my page doesn’t contain much content and all the images are compressed in Webp.

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    Luke Nielsen


    In general, our theme is already optimized and doesn’t have too many resources to make your website slow. Most likely, your website performance suffers from the content you have added to your website. It may happen in case of too many plugins, large not optimized images, or other resources. So we suggest you remove unnecessary plugins, install some kind of JS & CSS optimizing plugins like WP Rocket. You can find our guide about how to optimize your website built with our themes here https://xtemos.com/wordpress-performance-optimization-the-ultimate-guide-in-2021/

    Kind Regards



    I use only the plugins required by your theme.
    My server response time is good: less than 1 sencondes.
    I don’t have much content, I only have the product description and 3 photos optimised in Webp format (a few kilobytes).
    I have GZIP compression activated on my server also.
    Theme performance settings are configured.
    All the images on the site are in Webp and not in large format.

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    Luke Nielsen


    In this case, is there any chance that you could give me access to the dashboard area so I can have a look at the settings on your website, please?

    Kind Regards



    No, sorry, I can’t.
    You have the url to my site. You can see the problems mentioned by Google Speed Insights like:
    _ Optimize Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS).
    _ Minimize main thread work which is 3.9 s
    _ Remove unused CSS and JS (exist under the Elementor / Theme folders)
    _ Eliminate render-blocking resources


    Luke Nielsen



    -Eliminate render-blocking resources (https://take.ms/R11uA) – you may try solutions described here https://onlinemediamasters.com/eliminate-render-blocking-resources-wordpress/

    -Minimize main-thread work (https://take.ms/Fbh6O) – I suggest using the Wp Rocket for help, more detail is here: https://wp-rocket.me/google-core-web-vitals-wordpress/minimize-main-thread-work/

    -Largest Contentful Paint element (https://take.ms/OaVVT) – You need to optimize your site in general to improve this parameter. https://web.dev/articles/lcp

    -Reduce JavaScript execution time (https://take.ms/YvrWW) – Also, the WP Rocket can help with it, check this: https://wp-rocket.me/google-core-web-vitals-wordpress/reduce-javascript-execution-time/

    -Avoid an excessive DOM size (https://take.ms/yFVfu) – The number of DOM elements are generated in the process of content building. All page builder elements are DOM elements. If you want to reduce DOM elements you will have to reduce the content: widgets, products, menu items, and others.

    -Reduce unused CSS and JS (https://take.ms/3h7H2 , https://take.ms/4Fu35) –

    WP Rocket -> Settings -> File optimization. Enable CSS minify and combine it
    WP Rocket -> Settings -> File optimization. Enable JS minify, combine and Load JS files deferred options there.


    2) Navigate to Theme Settings -> Performance -> Js -> turn on the “Disable Swiper slider script on mobile devices”: https://take.ms/xroiH

    Additionally, if you use the “Separate cache for mobile” option, I suggest enabling the “Mobile DOM optimization (experimental)” option in Theme Settings -> Performance -> Other. https://take.ms/WKGU9 and create a mobile version of the page, in the settings of the page you can see the “Mobile version HTML block (experimental)” option: https://take.ms/aYrjd , so create a mobile version of the site via HTML block and define it.

    Kind Regards

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