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Header Customize

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  • #600562


    I have styled my header with other (Old)theme .
    Because the theme was to slow i rebuild all with woodmart theme.
    Now i have 2 bigger last steps to finish my new website.

    1. I can’t customize the header like my old theme. When i go to White color i don’t see when scrolling with white background. When i setup dark background, the header don’t overlap.
    In single product page top header is overlap and main header with white background.

    Also the lettering looks so clumsy. At my old theme it was so elegant.
    Is the a option to change the style of lettering?

    2. I don’t can finish to setup the Slider and then setup as HERO Slider-Banner. I like to rebuild the HERO Slider-Banner from old theme.
    I create new Slider and 3 slides. but i don’t right understand to setup all.



    01. Please use the Header “Overlap Option” Navigate to Woodmart > Header builder > edit current header in the header setting enable the option to make it overlap.

    You do not need to set the background color if you want to make overlap. Please add this code to the Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Global for sticky header background.

    body .whb-sticked .whb-general-header, .whb-sticky-shadow.whb-sticked .whb-row:last-child {
        background: orange !important;

    02. Please follow this guide and set up it.

    Best Regards



    Make it overlap is still on.
    At Home, Shop and product categorie pages it is overlap.
    Only when I go to a single product page the top-header row is overlap but the main-header row is not overlap.
    You can see it is nice overlap but only on single product page it is not correct overlap.

    I setup a slider with 4 slides.
    Slide 1 is finish. Slide 2,3,4 I need to be setup layout for responsive and also for correct text. But I like this as hero banner/slider full screen. Now I have a white line on top and bottom of slider and smoetimes on left side and I don’t know to setup this fullscreen.
    You can also see on website link.



    The slider problem i solve now 🙂
    But the problem with header overlap at single product page i need still help

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