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Header Words Not In The Same Line

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  • #70325


    Hi there

    Please advise on how I can make the header words straight. E.g. making home, blog etc in the same line. (please see image below).

    Please also let me know how I can delete all of the dropdown items. For example, if i hover over shop, i want to delete the features such as the product hovers etc. (please see image below).

    What size images do you recommend for the shop products? (what image sizes were used in your woodmart electronics demo)?

    Thank you for assisting.

    Kind regards

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    Thank you very much for choosing our theme and contacting us.

    Your menu has a lot of items. You need to remove demo menu items. If your menu is to be big, consider sib-items arrangement http://prntscr.com/kd9uty or mega-menu https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/create-menu-2/

    Best Regards



    Hi there

    Thank you for your speedy response.

    What size images do you recommend for the shop products? (what image sizes were used in your woodmart electronics demo)?

    Thank you.

    Kind regards



    The size of images depends on your purpose and taste. The base demo product image is 700×800

    Best Regards


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