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How can I show categories with icons in home page?

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  • #434929



    I want to add a sidebar menu with categories and icons like the image that I attached.

    Thanks in advance!

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    Regarding the Product Categories menu creation and usage, please check out the following Theme Documentation guide: https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/product-category-menu/

    Further, if you want to know how you can create Mega Menu on your Site, please check out the following guide: https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/create-mega-menu/

    Best Regards



    Hello again,

    I mean to be shown in the first page (Homepage) and to be as a sidebar and products in the right
    how can I do that ?



    Sorry to say but the Sidebar layout on the Homepage wouldn’t be suggested to get along as with the Headers Layout it might not look good. So, best way possible in this regard is to have the Categories Menu added in your Header (for which we have shared the guide too earlier). In this way, it would look and appear good on your Site like it is shown in the initial Demo of the Theme here: https://snipboard.io/hJFO9A.jpg

    Best Regards

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