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HTML Block and Categories

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  • #58249


    Sorry for this question… I have deleted all old pages…
    I need to add a HTML Block for all categories to menu in shop page,
    as in your example https://woodmart.xtemos.com/product-category/accessories/?demo=
    But I don’t find where I have to go to do this…
    Is it possible you help me ?
    Thanks for your reply,



    First of all, you need to create HTML block for each category https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/html-blocks-2/ these HTML block will be sub-menu in your category item.

    Next, you need to create mega menu or edit your existing category menu: https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/create-menu-2/ and choose HTML block title in the drop-down of the menu item.

    The provided links for documentation contains video tutorial.

    Best Regards



    Hello Elise,
    I am not sure to understand. I don’t want a mega menu, but just have the html block with the categories of existing menu of shop page, as in your example with “furniture” or “accessories” https://woodmart.xtemos.com/product-category/accessories/?demo=



    1/ Header is activated in Theme Settings > Shop > Sidebar & Page title > Shop title

    2/ Navigate to Product categories and make parent-child and they will appear on the category page in the way shown on demo.

    3/ In order to add icons enter each category and add an icon Image (icon) for categories navigation on the shop page

    Best Regards



    There is certainly a mistake due to my poor english.
    I just want to display a html block for each categories of the shop page menu as in the attachment.

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    1. Create HTML block for each category.

    2. Insert its shortcode ID into Description of each category http://prntscr.com/jjori6

    Best Regards

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