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HTML Block in Menu

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  • #87257


    I have some problem with the HTML BLOCK option.
    I created one and put it in menu but it is not showing good as you can see here: https://lieltempnew.ussl.co/

    This issue showed up first while i change the website to RTL. But im not sure that this is the reason.

    Thank you

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    Please update your credentials and provide full with login URL, login and pass I see URL but it is different

    Best Regards






    Your menu consists of HTML blocks it is not correct http://prntscr.com/lexg83

    You need to add menu items it can be pages, categories or custom links, then you add HTML ID into the menu, in the result, you will get the drop-down menu, find here more details https://xtemos.com/docs/basel/create-menu/

    Best Regards




    I just did it (change the menu type to CUSTOM LINKS), but it still not showing good.
    Please see it.



    Your main menu is http://prntscr.com/lf0or6

    This menu does not have any mega menu blocks. How did you insert this menu in the header? http://prntscr.com/lf0p8z

    Best Regards



    I dont understand what you mean by that guys.

    All i did is change the website from English to Hebrew, and then this issue happened.
    Before (when it was English version), i use the same menu. For now, i just change the name of the menu’s tittle.



    You have not closed the tag https://gyazo.com/cadad11c0eaf417d7a42ff420bd7c2a8 in this menu


    Check all your tags and close.

    Best Regards



    Guys, again – I have no idea what tag you talking about.
    Where you get this picture from? I didnt make any change on any tag.

    You have an access to my website – can you please just fix it? becaue i cant find any tag which is not close.

    The fact is that there is a problem with menu from the momment i move to RTL language. This is not an error that caused by any customization that i made to the code (because i didnt change nothig).

    Please check it.



    Navigate to HTML block find the item with “Collection” and close the u tag https://gyazo.com/8cf14749c9771bc54c40d3f36d140bcd

    Best Regards



    Ohh! Finally!

    Many thanks for the help!


    There is another thing that i like to ask you since you are the developers of the plugin. Its about customization of the order page (in extra charge of course).

    Please visit this link to understand it better: https://lieltempnew.ussl.co/product/order-album/

    I created this product page with plugin called “EXTRA OPTIONS” (which you see more details about here – https://codecanyon.net/item/woocommerce-extra-product-options/7908619).

    I like to customize the design of this specific product’s page. I like it to be a step by step ordering process.
    Here is an example of something similar to what i want: https://demo.getprintbox.com/albums/size

    Is it possible for you to do this job for me? If yes, please quote me the price you want for this job.
    If not, how can i do this by myself without damage your theme? (im developr too, so if you can give me some guide or any source to use that will be great)

    Thank you very much



    Such scope of work is not covered by our support. You will have to find a developer or company.

    Best Regards



    Yes, I got this point that you are not doing this (even for an extra charge, right?).

    But my questions are:
    1. if its something that possible / recommended to do (for not damage future updates of your theme)?
    2. Can you recommend me on any developer / company which you know they will be able to do this job for me?

    Thank you



    We do not provide paid service we provide the theme support only.

    Well qualified developers will modify the templates and future updates would not spoil.

    We can recommend these guys https://codeable.io/partners/xtemos-studio/?ref=BwH0e

    Best Regards

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