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HTML Blocks with Multiple language

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  • #241879



    I installed and configured WPML to add new languages to my website. As it is fully supported by the theme, everything is ok, except for the HTML Blocks defined in the Theme settings, like:

    Additional tab content – It is set on Theme Settings/Product Page/Tabs
    I translated the html block, but how can I specified it into this configuration panel, because now it uses only the one in english as only one is specified.

    Same goes for the pre-footer.

    The rest of the blocks are working fine translated, but those are not defined here.



    You need to clone your HTML block in the default language and translate all the content.

    Then navigate to WPML > String Translation > Choose the admin_text_woodmart_option from the dropdown and find the title and the content block http://prntscr.com/lx5qpz

    Best Regards



    Solved. Thanks


    You are welcome! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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