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Images on Product page not showing up and Page builder images not showing

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  • #37981


    Hi Guys

    Im having some issues with the theme, I am in the process of building the website:
    http://blackvuedashcams.ie/ everything was going fine until I started having issues with the hosting speed every-time I hit update in wordpress the site was taking forever to update, I thought it may have been plugin related so I started disabling plugins but it made no difference. It was at this point something strange happened, all of the images on the product page are not showing up and also I built a nice layout using the page builder and the layout is not showing correctly, Can you guys take a look? im sure its something simple!

    The pages in question are:

    http://blackvuedashcams.ie/product/blackvue-dr750s-2ch/ – (No Featured product image & page builder items not displaying correctly)

    http://blackvuedashcams.ie/product/blackvue-dr490l-2ch/ (No featured product image)

    Many Thanks in advance


    Artem Temos


    Thank you so much purchasing our theme and contacting our support center.

    Could you please update our theme and WooCommerce plugin to the latest versions and disable all extra plugins so we can check this?

    Kind Regards
    XTemos Studio



    Yes have Updated to 3.9 and disabled any plugins that are not relevant to the theme



    Artem Temos

    There are a lot plugins not relevant to our theme still active.



    Can you give me a list of the plugins to leave active and ill disable the rest?



    I think I have them all inactive now the ones that dont relate to the theme


    Artem Temos


    I managed to fix the issue we moved the site to a new hosting plan and it solved everything, you can mark as closed thanks


    Artem Temos

    Great, we are glad that you have found the solution.

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