The theme has an cookie message do display users that we are using their information, etc …. is possible to use this cookie message to allow others plugins to use user informations?
Here is the message of pixel your site plugin about a king of integration.
Is it possible?
“GDPR is important and will disrupt the way our advertising and analytics work. Chances are that we will need to obtain users’ consent before tracking their action and behavior on the website.
The Facebook pixel will fall under the larger territory of “cookie consent”, so it can’t be separate from that. In order to make your website user-friendly, you’ll need to implement a unique solution for all your cookies. There are several on the market already and I am 100% confident that we will see many more shortly.
PixelYourSite latest update offers a few ways to integrate with “cookie consent” tools. Our main weapon is a dedicated filter that can be used by developers to suppress tracking: pys_disable_by_gdpr
Contact the developers of your “cookie consent” solution and tell them about our filter. They will know how to use it.”