Home Forums WoodMart support forum iPhone sizing problem with orientation from landscape to portrait

iPhone sizing problem with orientation from landscape to portrait

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  • #229343


    On our site, if you go from portrait to landscape mode, and then back to portrait mode on ANY iPhone the sizing doesn’t fix itself.

    You can see this problem on your own demo: woodmart.xtemos.com



    Please reload the page as soon as you turn the device and advise if you have the problem?

    Best Regards



    No, no problem if you reload the page.

    But a user shouldn’t have to do that.



    We have checked the site on Android and on iPhone we cannot see the problem. Please provide page URL and screens on portrait and on the landscape.

    Best Regards



    See attached on your own demo.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    This is not a bug. These are the different designs on mobile, tablet, and desktop.

    Yes, if the mobile screen wider the space between the elements is bigger.

    I have also checked it on my phone I see the same you do.

    Best Regards



    If you mean the gaps on both sides of the page, this problem is not caused by our theme, it is the peculiarity Chrome browser on iOS. You can check any site, for example, envato.com – https://prnt.sc/uqd5o2

    Best Regards

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