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Lazy load when enable Sticky navigation

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  • #472545


    Hi, there:

    If we enable lazy load (in the performance setting), those thumbnails in Sticky navigation (overflowed in window screen ) will not be shown if we don’t scroll the body element (since page offset is still 0).

    BTW, those icons are out of screen though, we have use css (overflow-y: scroll) to fixed it (it is also an issue, we think)

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    Luke Nielsen


    In this case, is there any chance that you could give me access to the dashboard area so I can have a look at the settings on your website, please?

    Kind Regards



    Hi, there

    well, it’s obviously if you just enable both Sticky navigation and Lazy load in your test website.

    Thumbnails which are overflowed will not be loaded at first. It should be loaded at first, or be loaded after scrolling on the sticky nav panel.


    Luke Nielsen


    We installed a sticky navigation with lazy loading and everything works fine for us. In order to understand the problem, we need access to your site, please provide it.


    I await your response.

    Kind Regards



    Hi there,

    I’m sorry, my expression wasn’t clear enough.

    What I mean is that you need to make the left-side categories extend beyond the browser height size. There are two issues with exceeding the size: firstly, without adding CSS syntax(overflow-y: scroll), it won’t be visible, and secondly…

    After adding the CSS syntax, you can view the overflowing categories by scrolling. However, since you didn’t scroll the BODY element first, the thumbnails of those categories that extend beyond the browser won’t be loaded.

    So, if you add more categories and make them exceed the height of the browser, you will understand the issue I mentioned.


    Luke Nielsen


    This menu is not designed for the number of items that will go beyond the screen, and most of the content should be placed in the mega drop-down menu of these menu items. An example of this can be seen in this demo (https://woodmart.xtemos.com/mega-electronics/). If you add vertical scrolling to the navigation sticky menu, it will be impossible to show dropdowns, so overflow scrolling is not provided there.

    Kind Regards

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