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Long description (elementor)

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  • #237913


    Hi Woodmart!

    *I’m using your theme with Elementor.

    How can I add the “description tab” as in this example https://woodmart.xtemos.com/shop/furniture/fiber-base-chair-copy/

    I will use the “global” tab for a contact form & the custom tab for PDF:s, but I can’t find the description row on the backend.

    Will you help me with this? thanks



    First of all thanks for choosing our Theme, we are glad to be you in the WoodMart WordPress family :-).

    The product tabs are WooCommerce functionality and our theme doesn’t influence. When you add content to the product then the content is displayed in the description tab. So Please try adding content to the product then it will be displayed in the description tab.

    And there is no option in Theme Settings that you can edit the tabs row.

    You can read the WooCommerce documentation about tabs in the following link:

    Xtemos Studios.



    Hi, thanks for the fast reply, solved the problem 🙂

    I have just 1 more question:
    I want to rearrange the tabs and I found the link (https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/editing-product-data-tabs/)

    But I get some space between the tabs & they don’t arrange as they are supposed to do.
    This is how I want them to arrange.
    3.Kontakta oss

    “PDF-tab” is the custom tab
    “Kontakta oss-tab is the global tab”
    “Beskrivning tab is the description tab”

    Can’t find the problem in the code,

    * Rename product data tabs
    add_filter( ‘woocommerce_product_tabs’, ‘woo_rename_tabs’, 98 );
    function woo_rename_tabs( $tabs ) {

    $tabs[‘description’][‘title’] = __( ‘Beskrivning’ ); // Rename the description tab
    return $tabs;


    * Reorder product data tabs
    add_filter( ‘woocommerce_product_tabs’, ‘woo_reorder_tabs’, 98 );
    function woo_reorder_tabs( $tabs ) {

    $tabs[‘description’][‘priority’] = 5; // Beskrivning first
    $tabs[‘pdf’][‘priority’] = 10; // PDF second
    $tabs[‘kontakta_oss’][‘priority’] = 15; // Kontakta oss information third

    return $tabs;


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    You are Most Welcome.

    Please try re-adding the code then clear cache and check back. If you are still unable then provide admin panel login details of the website to check it myself and help you out accordingly.

    Best Regards.


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