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Lower hanging menu

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  • #108137


    Greetings. ive trying to make this lower hanging menu work but i just cant seem to be able to make it work. i have added items and none of them shows up on the page.

    Ive been trying this for the mobile version of my store …



    Thank you very much for choosing our theme and for contacting us.

    As I understand we are talking about the main menu http://prntscr.com/mmr3pc if so,

    Each submenu for the menu item is HTML template created by means of WP Bakery page builder element Extra menu list https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/html-blocks-2/
    So, first of all, create the block for each menu item.

    As soon as you have all blocks ready, navigate to Appearance > Menu, choose your category menu and add HTML title as shown here: https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/html-blocks-2/#mega_menu

    If you mean another menu, please specify which one.

    Best Regards



    Greetings Elise

    I wasent clear on explainning my problem to you guys. Sorry for that

    What i want is the possibility to have what i will call a FAB(floating action bar)on the bottom of the page for my mobile views of the store, where i will be able to any or most the functions on the main header.

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    Do you mean “to the top button”? This option is located in the Theme Options > Footer > Scroll to top button > On

    Best Regards

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