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  • #530861


    How can I insert the category menu in the mobile version? and how can I translate the writing in the search bar? I attach photo 1

    How can I change the following drop-down menu? I would like to remove download. I attach photo 2

    How can I change or translate the bottom menu in the mobile version? I attach photo 3

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    How can I translate and edit the filters on the shop page? I attach photos

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    01. Navigate to WoodMart > Header Builder > Edit Current Header > Switch to mobile Header > Configure Mobile Menu Settings > Choose categories menu:

    02. You need to remove “Download” and leave the field clear in Woocommerce > Settings > Advanced.

    03. You can configure the mobile bottom navbar in the Theme Settings > General > Mobile bottom navbar. You can add and remove buttons, add your custom button and icon.

    04. We have replied to the same question in your other topic.

    Best Regards.



    How can I change the text of the buttons?

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    Please use the Loco translate plugin on your site. After installing the plugin please Navigate to Loco >> Themes >> Woodmart >> Edit the translation which you are using for the site >> Click the Sync button >> Find the words and add the translation for them and save it.

    Also, please Navigate to Loco >> Plugins >> Woocommerce >> Edit the translation which you are using for the site >> Click the Sync button >> Find the words and add the translation for them and save it.

    Also, please Navigate to Loco >> Plugins >> Woodmart-Core >> Edit the translation which you are using for the site >> Click the Sync button >> Find the words and add the translation for them and save it.

    1. Custom (recommended)
    2. This is Loco’s protected folder under “wp-content/languages/loco/” which is safe from automatic updates and provides priority over the above locations.
    If this folder doesn’t exist you may need to create it and ensure it has the correct permissions.

    For more information please read the theme documentation here:

    Best Regards.

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