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menu in mobile

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  • #332531


    Hi I use your thema nartiss.digizoom.lv
    but in mobile we are not able to use and to click on catgories and on subcategories! hw we can fix that? thank you



    Please elaborate what you require with some relevant screenshot to check it myself and help you out accordingly..

    Best Regards



    when I open website in any mobile, is not possible to click on any categorie! when I click on categorie (right side menu), than shoul open box with ubcategries, but it is not opening! please check how it works in desktop!



    Sorry but the mega menu HTML Blocks are only set to work for the Desktop not for Mobile.

    It works the same by default. You need to create a separate menu for mobile categories and add sub menu items.

    Best Regards



    hi, I didnt undertstand.. it works for mobile or no? if we already created for desktop, what and how we have to create for mobile?



    The HTML Blocks for the mega menu don’t work for mobile devices.

    So you need to create a separate menu and add sub-items to it rather than adding the HTML Block.

    Then you need to set the menu as the categories menu by editing the mobile menu from Header builder.

    Screenshot for Clarification: https://gyazo.com/a9b24eabc5e7ea1c1a80fb8869680376

    Best Regards.



    ok, thank you



    Thanks for understanding.

    Let us know if there’s anything else we can do for you! You can always reach us at any time. We are always here to help you.

    Have a wonderful day.

    Topic Closed.
    Best Regards.

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