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Mobile issue

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  • #138337


    I have got three more issues:

    1- The home slider doesn’t show the third text in the mobile version. I have tried to check the sizes and all the rest.
    2 – The mobile menu shows black text when you in are in the selected page. How can I change in into a white light colour?
    3 – How can I remove the white gap space between the blocks in the homepage? I have selected 00px border.

    Thank you



    1. You need to increase the height for slider and text font-size on mobile.

    2. Please add this code to the Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Global:

    body .mobile-nav ul li a:focus{
        color: white;

    3. Enter the page and set margin-top:-40px in the upper row settings: http://prntscr.com/lexqqs

    Best Regards




    The 2) suggestion does not work, and I could not find a way to set the the height for slider and text font-size on mobile.

    Could you please help? It is taking long time to fix this small issues.

    Thank you



    You can set the height in the slider settings https://gyazo.com/8790f152b0e6bbf2571879be8ef69a5c

    Use responsive text block a Title section allowing to set the different font size in the different devices.

    Have you inserted the code provided?

    Best Regards




    The mobile issue is still there for both the templates I bought from you. I placed the code suggested in the CSS general. Please check emiut.com and tyoca.com when you selected a category or page and you go bacl to the menu the page selected is dark. It does not show the text in white.

    Two websites same template same issue.

    I have new questions:

    1. how can I remove Sort column in the filter?
    2. how can I make in the full with menu the text smaller? Following the instructions here doesn’t work https://xtemos.com/docs/basel/create-menu/

    Thank you



    Please add this code to the Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Global:

    body .mobile-nav ul li.current-menu-item > a{

    You can change the font by means of Advanced typography option, which allows to choose the item from a drop-down or insert your custom CSS class. Please navigate to the Theme Settings > Typography > Advanced Typography.

    Here is the documentation providing more detailed instructions: https://xtemos.com/docs/basel/advanced-typography-settings-2/

    Best Regards



    Perfect! Thank you so many months with that mobile dark text issue!
    Also the sort works very well!

    Thank you also for the menu instructions.



    Last question. Why when we save the website on any mobile is the icon all black or the icon blurry?



    What do you mean? Please send a screenshot and step by step description.

    Best Regards



    Hi there,

    The issue in the section menu came back, the text is black again. Before the issue has been fixed using your below code, but it doesn’t work anymore.

    body .mobile-nav ul li a:focus{
    color: white;

    Thank you



    Please provide the site URL with the problem or describe how can I reproduce the problem? I am checking the site the color is white https://gyazo.com/0084c8e5a376a97f48416dde2d1a83ea and https://prnt.sc/pkrjcm

    Best Regards


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