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Mobile nav and Wishlish

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  • #308445

    Rahmat Anik

    Hello, I’m facing two wired issues,
    1. When I click the nav icon from mobile, it doesn’t work, nothing happens after clicking https://prnt.sc/1f2j9ag.
    2. When I click the wishlist icon, it doesn’t add any product to the wishlist page but redirects to the wishlist page and said: ” There is not item added”.
    I’m using Woodmart Hardware Demo.
    {Note: From desktop and inspecting element – these work, but when we use a real smartphone, it didn’t work – try to check using real mobile device} Thank you.


    Rahmat Anik

    Hello, I figured out the problem, it was my caching plugin (SG OPtimizer), but the problem is when I deactivate this plugin my work doesn’t show immediately after doing some design using elementor – when I try to see the work using a different browser. So I may need a caching plugin too.
    Will you please recommend a caching plugin that would be the best for woodmart theme?
    Thank you.



    We are glad that your issue has been resolved by deactivating a third party plugin.

    This should not happen. It seems to be another browser cache issue. Please try to clear the browser cache before checking.

    Sorry but we could not suggest any plugin. You can choose one for yourself:

    Best Regards

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