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Page speed and optimization issue

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  • #556313



    Don’t share anything here in public
    put whatever you want to show me in wordpress gallery, or put it on my host and give me the file name not the path of the file!
    I will find and watch that


    Artem Temos

    We can’t connect using FTP. Screenshots uploaded to media.



    For security reasons, we don’t use ftp with port 21

    Use WinSCP program, then use the cpanel user name and passwords, you can connect to the host,
    Also, you have web access to cpanel
    you can connect to a host via ssh with Putty or another similar app

    I couldn’t connect with FileZilla, but I connected to my server with winscp program


    Artem Temos


    Our theme uses a standard load event, which is triggered by the browser once the page is fully loaded. So it should run our JS function to init the carousel swiperInit(). https://gyazo.com/ed169bfc688d2982c6de470ecc266eb1
    But when you use delayed JS execution, the Litespeed plugin loads script files only when you move the mouse. And the load event doesn’t trigger. If we try to run this function manually it works without any problems (screenshot in the media).

    Other cache plugins, like WP Rocket, do not have this problem. Therefore, you need to contact the plugin’s developers for help or use a different cache plugin since Litespeed is not fully compatible with WoodMart.

    Kind Regards



    this is your problem, not cache plugins!
    this plugin has more than 6milion users on the market

    give me the correct information to talk with plugin authors or open a ticket in wordpress for that


    Artem Temos

    In our previous reply, we described everything in detail. Note that we don’t officially declare compatibility with this plugin. You can contact them for help, and if there is anything we should do from our end, we will do our best to help you and make it work on your website.



    you mean you don’t want to talk with the plugin ahutors?


    Artem Temos

    You can create a support request as a user on the plugin support system and ask them for help. If they need to consult with us we are ready to cooperate via email xtemos.studio@gmail.com.

    Kind Regards




    I just used the Delayed js, and now many things like popup of cart not working

    Please don’t share of my site here, just send me screenshot



    Please add something to put all your js file to footer

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