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Place a banner/slider in specific category/product page

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  • #96195


    I want to create specific banners (using HTML Blocks or even a slider) and put in a specific category page, or a filtered page with some brands, and also in specific products.

    Is there a way to do this using some theme functionality or should I use some action or hook?

    For example, insert a shortcode with a promotion banner above the product grid in this page:



    Create HTML block, it allows creating a template by means of WP Bakery page builder. You can insert slider as well. Then enter the category and insert the shortcode of the HTML block in the Description.

    Best Regards



    Thanks! I’ll try inserting the shortcode in category description. But, is there a way to do this for a specific brand or search results?



    Here is instruction how to set up the brand https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/faq-guides/how-to-setup-brands/

    As you see a brand is an attribute. If you enable Archives and add shortcode of an HTML block into description you will get the result like this http://prntscr.com/lvbnxa

    Best Regards

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