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Problem with the vertical header layout in tablet/mobile display

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    I want to use the new vertical header layout but I have problems with the responsive display.
    The slider is covering the menu bar in both the tablet and mobile displays.
    Another problem is that the menu is not sticky anymore on tablet/mobile. Please let me know how to fix this.
    So far I can only get the menu to show a bit if I increase the mobile header height (from the theme settings) to 120 (max value). Like this it shows on mobile but on tablet is only halfway visible.
    I have attached some images to see what the problem is. My website is still in coming soon mode so that’s why I haven’t linked it.
    Thank you.

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    Thank you very much for choosing our theme and for contacting us.

    Please deactivate all the plugins not related to the theme, and switch to the parent them if you are running the child one and provide your site admin access to the private area.

    Best Regards




    I’ve deactivated all plugins I knew for sure are not related to the theme and I’ve switched to the parent theme.

    I have another note about the fashion-flat demo. After I re-apply it, the flat-slider gets duplicated (flat-slider1, flat-slider2 etc.) and the previous ones lose the connection to the images, so they are showing just text on a transparent background. The issue is that in the front page the one linked is still the initial flat-slider. This is not a groundbreaking problem since most content gets replaced but I thought it would be good to let you know about it.
    I attached an image showing all the duplicates (I know the thumbnails show images but in the editor and on the website it’s only the text, except for the latest slider created).

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    Thank you for notification, we shall double check. Have you solved your problem after deactivating the plugins and swithing to the parent theme?

    Best Regards



    No, the problem is still there. It also remains regardless if I use the child theme or the parent theme and it only occurs on the vertical header layout. I thought you would look into it since you’ve even asked for access to the site. Please help me fix this asap.



    Enter the page and remove margin-top: -40px in the upper row settings: http://prntscr.com/n2ifx0

    Best Regards


    P.S. Sticky header is not available on mobile, provided vertical header has been enabled.



    Thank you. Removing the top margin fixed the problem.
    Regarding the sticky header, is it possible to be configured or it is too complicated?



    Unfortunately, there is no option for the sticky header in this design.

    Best Regards



    First, thank you again for all your help about the menus.

    Second, I have a question about the layout of the vertical menu. I like how the navigation is in the mobile version where the sub-menu opens under the main menu item. Is it possible to have the same type of interaction in the vertical menu on the desktop? At the moment the sub-menu items are appearing on the right side on mouse hover.



    We regret to inform that there is no option to change the layout of the vertical header.

    Best Regards



    I understand. In this case please consider some more features for the vertical header layout in the future. Thank you again for your assistance.


    You are welcome! We shall consider your request. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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