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Problem with vatriation images on mobile devices

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  • #558035


    we have a problem with variation images. Example one product that has a variation image for each color when on mobile and selecting another color the image does not change. Example product:

    If the variation has more than one picture then it is working fine. Example product:

    Please note the below
    1. I have disabled all the plugins except WooCommerce and Woodmart core and the issue still persists
    2. I have switched the theme to Twenty Twenty-two theme with all the plugins enabled and the issue is resolved.
    3. I have individually disabled some plugins with Woodmart Theme and the issue still persists

    All the above conclude that is a theme issue with variations that have only the main photo.

    Can you please check and assist?


    Artem Temos


    It is how it works in our theme, and there is no solution for this. To make it work as expected, you need to upload additional images to each variation.

    Kind Regards



    But why it works on desktop and not on mobile?


    Artem Temos

    As we can see, you are using a different plugin for swatch that may be incompatible with our theme. Also, you have two separate image galleries added to your custom layout, which is not allowed. You can have only one gallery to make it work as expected.

    Kind Regards



    Can you please elaborate on this to understand the issue?
    “Also, you have two separate image galleries added to your custom layout, which is not allowed. You can have only one gallery to make it work as expected.”


    Artem Temos

    You have two galleries as shown on the screenshot to display on mobile and desktop devices https://gyazo.com/ed4c69a4ec5b393aa1431b482a94699c
    Unfortunately, our theme and WooCommerce JS scripts do not support it.

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