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Product variation showing wrong attribute

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  • #517870


    Product variation showing [Pair attribute] on the product grid, But I wanted to display [Single attribute].

    Please let me know how can I fix this, The Product page link is provided in the private content, please visit the page and check the attribute by yourself on the product page to get a better understanding.


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    You need to create a variable product if you want to show swatches.
    Please check this Manual:

    Best Regards.



    Please read my message again. I think you don’t understand it.

    Let me elaborate on it more for you.

    It is a variable product and it has 2 attributes:
    1. Single/Pair: (It has Two text swatches to select from)
    2. Color: (It has 6 Image swatches to select from)

    When we select:
    Single + Color: It has a different set of images on the swatches (only a single product)

    Pair + Color: It has a different set of images on the swatches (pair of products)

    Right now, on the above screenshot I attached, you can see that it is showing “Pair + color” (Which shows an image of a pair of products, I uploaded on the variable product section) swatches but I wanted it to display “Single + color” (Which should show an image of a single product, I uploaded on the variable product section) swatches on the product grid.

    In short, On the single product page, all the image swatches have a single product image which I also wanted to be shown on the product grid. (visit: skatessports.co.uk and see it yourself)

    I have enabled “Use images from product variations” from theme settings. What it does is that Swatches buttons will be filled with images chosen for product variations and not with images uploaded to attribute terms.

    Please check if its the cause of the problem.

    Hope you understand it now. Thanks



    Yes, if you enable the Use images from product variations, then it will show the Swatches buttons will be filled with images chosen for product variations or you have the images that you have added by editing the product and adding images for each variation.

    Best Regards.



    you can see that it is showing “Pair attribute images”, but I wanted it to display “Single attribute images” (Which should show an image of a single product, I uploaded on the variable product section).

    See the attributes on the product page: https://skatessports.co.uk/product/ankle-straps-for-cable-machine/
    See it as a product gird: https://skatessports.co.uk/fitness/



    Artem Temos


    Could you please send us your FTP access so we can check what is wrong?

    Kind Regards

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