It is a problem in our theme and the search icon shouldn’t be located in the sticky header if you don’t use Full screen search widget in your real header.
Try to add the following PHP code snippet to the child theme functions.php file to remove that unnecessary icon from the sticky header
add_filter( 'woodmart_header_clone_template', function() {
return '
<div class="whb-sticky-header whb-clone whb-main-header">
<div class="<%cloneClass%>">
<div class="container">
<div class="whb-flex-row whb-general-header-inner">
<div class="whb-column whb-col-left whb-visible-lg">
<div class="whb-column whb-col-center whb-visible-lg">
<div class="whb-column whb-col-right whb-visible-lg">
} );