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Search font color change and fixed product image length

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  • #3091



    I am still waiting for your answer to my wishlist page being unconnected and going to 404 page..

    And I have a couple of other questions.

    1. I just found out that when I click search icon and start typing, the font is in black, not white like your demo.. how can I change it to white like your demo?

    2. My product images are mix of 1000×1500 images and 1135×1500 images. I was hoping all product images to appear with same length on SHOP PAGE, but it does not.. My 1135×1500 images appear a lot shorter than 1000×1500 images.. How can I make the image length fixed so all product images appear in same sizImage and video hosting by TinyPic<img src=”e on shop page?



    Artem Temos


    Thank you for your message.

    We have already answered your question regarding wishlist.

    If you want to make them all the same size we suggest you to turn on “Crop” for “Catalog images sizes” option in WooCommerce -> Settings -> Products -> Display. Use size for example 450×590 with crop option on. And don’t forget to regenerate all thumbnails after changes.

    Please provide your web-site url so we could the problem with search text color.


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