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Sets of ready-made templates do not work

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  • #285671


    Sets of ready-made templates do not work

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    Please deactivate all the plugins not related to the theme and switch the parent theme, check the issue, If the problem has gone, activate the plugins one by one, checking the issue to detect which one causes the problem.

    if the problem remains, even after the plugins deactivated, please, provide your site admin access to the private area.

    Please confirm the permit for us to deactivate the plugins not related to the theme and switch to the parent theme for the while of checking what may take up to 15 minutes.

    Best Regards



    Did not help. I noticed that sometimes everything works, and sometimes it doesn’t. Everything worked fine this morning.



    I am checking both front-end and back-end and I cannot catch the problem now: https://gyazo.com/f35a2907586f5be623ceb3ce2fa8db24 and https://gyazo.com/d866837e7e0566aa55edb29228e49488

    Please describe the steps allowing to reproduce the problem.

    Best Regards

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