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Shop Page Title Options Issues

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  • #151677


    On the desktop the show Categories in page title works fine. But on mobile it shows like one time then disappears and just shows white. But if I click in there and it opens the menu in the title bar then I see the image. I looked at your demo on the mobile and there is no issue you see.

    Can you please take a look



    Please read and follow the suggestions provided here: https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/faq-guides/3-x-4-0-migration-guide/

    As soon as you delete all unnecessary plugins, check the issue again, if the problem remains, please switch to the parent theme, and check again.

    Best Regards



    So I can delete Redux Framework and CMB2 from the plugins and it will not break or change the site?

    Also I have seen in the demo that on a desktop when you hover a category menu item that is in the title area a drop down to the sub pages is there. On mine when I put the mouse there nothing, I can click it but no drop down.



    You can delete the plugins mentioned in the manual, they are no more needed.

    In order to show the suc-categories as the drop-down on the category hover, you need to disable “Show current category ancestors” in the Theme Settings > Shop Page > Sidebars and Page Title

    Best Regards



    I deleted the plugins and still getting the white screen in the title are on mobile where the category menu should be. If I click on there you then can see something is suppose to be there



    I am checking the shop page on the emulator and on a real mobile device it works properly I do not see any white gaps instead of categories https://gyazo.com/8cd25d546d061f5c1f17cef8999628bc

    Please provide page URL and steps which reproduce the problem.

    Best Regards



    It happens on any shop page or inner categories pages. It will show fine when we go to shop, but select it then it comes back as white. Im using chrome on a note 10. I’ve tried on s9 with same issue. In other browsers on my phone it works fine, just not in chrome

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    The image size which is used for the background of the image is huge for the purpose, please try to upload smaller images and optimize theme, check the issue.

    Best Regards



    The file size for those are all under 250kb and most are around 130kb. So they are small file size and have been all optimized using Imagify.



    Try size no more than 1200px and optimize to the size no more than 100kb.

    Best Regards

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