Home Forums WoodMart support forum show more than one swatches attribute in the shop/category archive pages ?

show more than one swatches attribute in the shop/category archive pages ?

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  • #512953


    in my a product archive grid page i have products that have different variable attributes.
    but they are only showing the one defined in (theme settings -> Shop -> Grid swatch attribute to display)
    so if one of the products have a different attribute variables, they dont show.

    product A has color attribute.
    products B has width attribute.
    default Grid swatch attribute to display is color = width variables dont display.

    i realize this is done in the woodmart/inc/integration/woocommerce/modules/swatches.php
    with the
    “woodmart_swatches_list” function

    is there a way i can bypass this by using a filter and show more than one attribute ?



    Try to enable the option “Quick shop” in the Theme settings > Shop > Variable products and you will see more than one attribute in the grid.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards.



    Hi Aizaz, quickshop is on
    As you can see
    but i cannot choose more than one attribute to show on shop archive pages



    Select the quick shop type “on variation click” from Theme Settings > Variable Products and click on the one attribute swatch in the grid.

    Best Regards.



    Hi, this works well, but the default swatch doesnt appear as chosen (there is no border around it), the price is not on the default option and when hovering over the swatch the cursor doesnt change.



    Please share the wp login details in private content under the message area I will further check and give you a possible solution.

    Best Regards.

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