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    I would like to customize my sidebars, in fact the widgets are too generic so they display all the categories but cannot summarize only the products of the page concerned, example tomato I don’t want to have all the categories just the one concerning tomatoes example tomato round, elongated etc… all this to say that I would like to integrate a <div class “textwidget” > to determine exactly the menu concerned and put a href for the link to the product, if you have other solutions I am at the ‘listen



    You would better create a menu in Appearance > Widgets and add the categories you want to show, then you can add this menu with the Mega menu widget: https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/widgets-and-sidebars/

    Best Regards



    Good evening,

    I recreated an additional menu list in the side column, what do you think? Tell me in all transparency thank you.

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    I agree with you but in appearance > widget, we can’t customize like the screenshot I sent you in the previous message. Unless I missed something I tried all the widgets I didn’t find the option to customize like in my navigation menu so if you have any leads tell me



    You can add either the Mega menu widget and select the menu created in Appearance > Menu, or you can add an HTML widget and add your template. https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/widgets-and-sidebars/ and https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/html-blocks-usage/

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    Thank you for your feedback Elise.

    But I must have about fifteen page of archives according to the products example tomato I want to find the tomato menu in the side column .. on another apple with the products so on, problem I do not have the possibility of personalized this with widgets that are limited to one page or similar pages, in this case you have to find an alternative:

    To summarize :

    Problem :
    – A side column

    – Customized according to the example nav menu
    menu navigation
    tomato in subcategory elongated tomato, round tomato

    We find in the side column tomato elongated tomato round tomato

    This operation is the same for each product in the navigation menu

    So after spending hours thinking about the most intelligible solution, I see that widget appearance is good when you have a shop and you make a sidebar that will be the same everywhere so I’m forced to look for others ideas to have my 15 elements in the side column..

    To read you,



    Unfortunately, WoodMart does not provide the option and WoodMart does not either.

    You will need either customize a product page or find a plugin for such a purpose.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards




    Thank you for your feedback, I created a template with elementor allowing me to find my menu in the side column.. It’s a shame that in widgets, we can’t do sorting by categories, I think with css and

      and <div> tags are possible, all this to say that I found a solution without a plugin, because I avoid having too many plugins for conflicts and overload..


    We are glad you have found the solution.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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