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Slides full width

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    I’m trying to create a slider for my homepage, in the settings of it i have selected “Make slider full width” and set a max heigh to 500. but the slider will not go the full width of the site, even with the box ticket and page layout on full width
    also the max height option seems to do nothing as i just tried a 2000×2000 image and it showed it stretching the page down, not at 500.

    so how can i make the slider really full width of the page



    Please enter the row settings and set stretch the row, no paddings http://prntscr.com/mu5avw

    Best Regards



    i have done this, and it didn’t make a difference, though in the ‘frontend editor’ when you mouse over the row it shows the settings right at the edge of the screen but the slider still the same size, the settings for the slider defiantly have full width ticked and in the settings of each slide “Full width content”, “Take the sliders width” is ticked aswell



    Please provide your site admin access

    Best Regards






    You need to enable WP Bakery page builder for slides and stretch the row. Add the image by means of the image element.

    Navigate to WP Bakery Page builder > Role Manager http://prntscr.com/lqfzji

    Enable WP Bakery Page builder for the slider http://prntscr.com/mujwym

    Best Regards



    thank you!
    and I’m nearly there but still have an issue
    now the first image displays the full width of the site!

    but the second image just doesn’t load, just shows white, it is fine if i have the row on default (but obviously not full length) if i change the first image to stretch row the first image displays full length and the 2nd is small

    but if i have both the first and second image on stretch row, the first image displays fine, and the second does not display at all, i have tried multiple images and even duplicating the slide, so all the settings are the same, but the second image just won’t display at all when on full width



    I do apologize I have provided a wrong instruction.

    You need to add images to the slider not as a single image: http://prntscr.com/muyxkd and make all the rows default in slider.

    Best Regards



    ah thank you!
    all working fine now!


    You are welcome! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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