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Slow website

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  • #566376


    Hi I have 3 Websites all with the same configuration. One website is fast and 2 of them the archive pages are really slow. I use wp rocket for all websites and products pictures and so on is all the same. I tried to optimize the 2 slow sites but its always the same archive pages load very very slow. I really need help.
    fast site is: https://eventverleih-leipzig.de/
    and the slow ones are: https://huepfburgen-verleih-leipzig.de/
    I use cloudflare as well and the pictures are stored there as well.
    those 2 websites eben freez alot after loading and I tried many different things already to speed them up but always something doesn’t work. I exported the wp rocket settings from the fast page and imported them on the slow ones but no changes… also disabeled the cache plugin so the problem must be somewhere in the theme itself can you help me please?



    Our theme is optimized for speed and should not significantly slow down your website. However, it’s possible that your website’s performance is affected by the content you have added. For instance, the use of too many plugins, large unoptimized images, or other resources can slow down your website.

    We recommend that you remove any unnecessary plugins and install a JS & CSS optimization plugin such as WP Rocket. Our guide on how to optimize your website using our themes can be found here: https://xtemos.com/wordpress-performance-optimization-the-ultimate-guide-in-2021/.

    Best Regards.



    well dude did you even read what I was writing?
    thats a bad reply seriously… as I mentioned I use wp rocket and have several sites with woodmart all on the same server and 2 of them are loading really slow even they have the same configuration as the fast ones…
    so once again please read the text above and help me finding a solution….

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    Luke Nielsen


    Send me admin access to one of your problem websites and confirm the permission for plugins deactivation, and switching to the parent/default theme. As soon as we complete the testing we will enable it all back.

    Also, please disable the server cache for the proper testing.

    Kind Regards

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