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Social Share Buttons

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  • #521402


    Hello, please see attached screen shot for reference. I need to know what file to edit in the woodmart theme so I can set the social share buttons from nofollow to follow?

    I use an AI seo software to optimize websites and it’s suggesting I change that since it helps having readable outbound links. The suggestion i get is below and I want to fix that but not sure what file to edit so I can do that.
    We found 3 outbound links in your content and all of them are nofollow.

    P.S. and I dont care that it will get overwritten when I update the theme at times because once I know I can adjust it after.

    Please let me know.


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    Hung Pham

    Hello robrian565,

    Thanks for reaching to us.

    You need to copy the function woodmart_shortcode_social() in woodmart/inc/shortcodes/social.php into the functions.php file of the Child theme. http://prntscr.com/qu201l and change rel attribute https://prnt.sc/GBwZWAlhvga6

    Best Regards

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