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Some error in page

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  • #92491

    Hosein Vahhabi

    1. I cant open cart dropdown on hover. see image181
    2. I get some error on home page. see image177
    3. when I logout or go to incognito I see some other error. see image180
    4. the cache or optimize plugin can produce some other errors. what cache or optimize plugin you say have compatibility with theme that dont produced error. you say in theme page w3 total cache campatible. it’s a great plugin but make some dangerous error some times. Are you have true instruction about setting of this plugins? are you recommend this plugin?

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Artem Temos


    This error may happen when you use Lazy loading option but it doesn’t influence your website and can’t break other functions.



    Hosein Vahhabi

    and answer about 1, 3 and 4??
    I have other error element with none unique ID … .


    Artem Temos

    1. You need to change the shopping cart widget display to “Sidebar” while editing it in WoodMart -> Header builder.

    3. Just ignore these errors. They indicate that you have multiple account login forms on the page and there is no way to remove these warnings.

    4. Yes, this plugin is fully compatible but there is no instruction from our side. What kind of error do you have now?

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