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svg animated icon + html block

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  • #166282



    In your demo on the “infobox” page the svg icon are black but when they are animated they are the primary color. How to have black animated icons ?

    The use of an html block in the description of the categories of the shop works very well, but not in the description of the categories of the blog. How to do ?

    Thank you in advance for your help.



    Please provide the screen and page URL with Infobox, which changes the color on the hower. I have checked our demo there is no option. https://woodmart.xtemos.com/infobox/

    Best Regards




    Sorry for my confused questions, english is not my language.
    So, 3 questions… with 3 images !

    1 – How use svg animated icon without primary color and so use the original color stroke of icon but with animated ?

    2 – How use html block in blog categories description ?

    3 – On shop categories page, how redirect the “woodmart-back-btn” to the shop page (like on product page) and not to history ?

    Hope it’s more clear for you.
    Thanks for your help.

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    1. Please provide page URL and site admin access I will check again once more and suggest.

    2. Please find the instruction on how to insert the HTML block into the Category description:https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/html-blocks-2/#cat_att_tag

    3. There is no option to change the URL of the button in the title. It requires template customization which is not covered by our support.

    Best Regards




    1 – My site isn’t online.

    2 – As specified in the message 1 : it’s ok on categories shop but not on categories blog. Why ?

    3 – Never mind but this function “back history” is really illogical.




    I need to check the settings and see the problem on your site. As soon as your site is on live hosting, contact us with the credentials we shall be able to check and suggest.

    Best Regards

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