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Switch type product filter

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  • #571571


    Hi, is there a way to create a switch to filter products by a certain atribute or tag? I want to display products that have “fast shipping” after interacting with an on/off switch filter.

    A website I’m using as reference has this implemented. Hope anyone can help me.


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    You can add the filters from Appearance > Widgets > Add the filters in the shop page widget area. You can use the WoodMart WooCommerce Layered Nav widget for product attributes and use the product by tag widget for product tags.

    Follow this guide:

    Best Regards.



    Hello, thanks a lor for the reply. I can’t find the product by tag widget, is it an external plugin or something like that?

    The WoodMart WooCommerce Layered Nav widget isn’t useful for my case because I need a switch/toggle element for a specific product tag.

    Thanks a lot



    Navigate to Appearance > Widgets > Add the Products tag cloud in the shop page widget area. You do not need to use any external plugin.

    Unfortunately, adding the toggle to this widget as you want is not possible in the theme settings.

    Best Regards.



    Thanks a lot for the help!


    Most Welcome!!!.

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    Thanks for contacting us.
    Have a great day.

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    Best Regards.


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