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Terms and conditions check and error when login out

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  • #433152

    Adriano Faria

    I wonder how I can fix the error when one clicks on Terms and Conditions when checking out as seen in the image attached. It seems to open the code instead of the page. The page is an accordion type. Could I have just a link to that page instead of that text field?
    Secondly, I sometimes get the “robot” message when logging out of my account as in image 2. How is this avoidable?
    Thank you in advance.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    1- Sorry to hear about the inconvenience. Kindly, please share your Site WP-ADMIN Login details in the Private Content field so that we can check these concerns on your Site and help you out accordingly.

    2- Sorry to say but this Robotic Captcha doesn’t come from the Theme end. You might be using any third party Plugin for Captcha on your Site through which it might be showing on your Site. So, you need to check that for this.

    Best Regards


    Adriano Faria

    Thank you for your reply.
    I would appreciate if you can help me understand why I can only access my site when connected to my internet. I realise that apparently no one can access the site with the tester1 profile…
    I had edited the htaccess file before so only my ip could access it but since I removed that part of the code but still it doesn’t work.
    Finally, my database backup seems to be stuck all the time. Any clues are appreciated.

    I know this is beyond theme but If you can give me a help I would appreciate. Thank you very much.



    Firstly, regarding the Site viewing we are able to view your Site after adding the tester1 profile Logins without using the WP-ADMIN Login details. So, the Site is easily viewable, there aren’t any issues with that.

    Secondly, regarding your main concern we have noticed that your WoodMart Theme and WoodMart Core plugin isn’t updated to the latest version. The latest version of the Theme running is 7.0.4 and the Core version running is 1.0.35.

    Can you please once try to update your WoodMart theme and Core plugin to the latest version by following the given Theme’s Documentation link: https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/update-the-theme/ and then check back the issue again on your Site.

    If the issue still persists after updating the Theme and Core plugin, then could you please once try deactivating all the third party Plugins on your Site remaining the Theme required ones activated. If the issue gets resolved, then reactivate them one by one to see which Plugin is causing the issue.

    If somehow issue still persists, then please take complete Backup of your Site first, then provide us the permission to completely debug your Site which includes deactivating all the third party Plugins and removal of on-Site Customization changes too, so that we can thoroughly check this issue on your Site and assist you accordingly.

    Best Regards


    Adriano Faria

    I would not like to do an update before reading what are the dangers involved. I think we can all agree that WordPress is a mixed bag or a bad Jackson Pollock painting of plugins , and I am very sceptical about updating the theme. Do you have any documentation on this? What happens if all goes wrong? Do you have any documentation on restoring the site? (I don’t believe wordpress is restorable for the same reason stated above). Jokes aside, honestly I am very reluctant to touch much more the site being so close to launch. Please let me know what are the odds of things going wrong from the feedback you have over the years with clients. This is would be the first time I would update the theme and honestly I am quite worried. I appreciate it.



    Just take the complete backup of your site first with any plugin or ask the hosting provider support to take the complete backup of the site and then update the theme on the site and plugins.

    Please read the theme documentation about the theme update:

    Best Regards.


    Adriano Faria

    From what I have tested, the Terms and Conditions issue is the only problem left to solve . I really don’t want to update the theme. I have no guarantees that it’s going to solve the issue, nor that it won’t cause more. I have limited knowledge in WordPress and I don’t want to be set back for weeks.
    Could you please try to take a look at it or at least give some clues? Imagine that the theme is updated and the issue is still there…
    Thank you.



    Just for your ease of understanding, the issues are generally checked with the updated Theme and Core plugin on the Site because some issues are resolved with this.

    But as you are reluctant enough to update the Theme, so we have checked this concern further. The Privacy Policy is set under the Dashboard > WooCommerce > Settings > Accounts & Privacy.

    So, we further this concern on your Site and found out that you haven’t selected the Privacy Policy page under the Dashboard > Settings > Privacy > which we have done now and the link to the Privacy Policy text on the Checkout page of your Site now redirects to the respective mentioned Page: https://snipboard.io/lIq03E.jpg

    Please check back your Site after completely clearing browser and server cache.

    Best Regards


    Adriano Faria

    I appreciate your help but the problem is not the Privacy Policy, it has never been that. The problem is when you click on “terms and conditions”. There is a little space that opens up to show the text but it doesn’t work properly. My guess is because the terms and conditions is an accordion kind of page. I know I can turn off the terms and conditions check box, but could you please tell me if this is fixable or at least take out that text field and just link “terms and conditions” so it opens on another window just like the Privacy Policy?

    Thank you again.



    You can add the Terms and Conditions checkbox by going to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > WooCommerce > Checkout, then on the Terms and Conditions page field:

    1. select the page where your Terms and Conditions are. This will enable the checkbox.

    To require that every customer checks that box, 2. enable the Highlight required fields with an asterisk option.

    See this image for reference: https://snipboard.io/cDI5UJ.jpg

    For the time being we have selected the Terms and Conditions page there for your ease.

    But it seems that there is some issue with the Content you have on that Terms page. Try using simple Text Content there and then check back the issue again because on our Test Site, as we have confirmed by selecting the Page, it is redirecting to the respective Page which is chosen. Here is the link to the Test Site Checkout page: https://blackpearlspro.com/woodmart_support/checkout/

    Best Regards


    Adriano Faria

    Well thanks, I see there is no way out of this. I have disabled as you explained.
    A link to the page the same way as Privacy Policy would be great.




    The thing is your Theme is currently not updated to the latest version and on our Site when we checked the Terms and Conditions concern on the Checkout page, our Theme and Core plugin was updated to the latest version.

    So, this concern can actually be correctly checked with the updated Theme and Core plugin. So, once you are sure and able to update your Theme and Core then check back this concern again.

    Best Regards


    Adriano Faria

    At this point it’s completely out of the question that I will update. I disabled the checkbox as you explained and that’s it. I think that a link to a new page would just be enough.
    Thank you anyway and sorry for the frustration.


    Most Welcome!!!.

    I’m so happy to hear you are pleased with the Theme and Support. XTEMOS strives to deliver the best customer experience, and it makes our day to hear we have accomplished that.

    We count ourselves lucky to have you as a customer. You can always reach us at any time. We are always here to help you.

    Thanks for contacting us.
    Have a great day.

    Topic Closed.
    Best Regards.

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