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The content goes into the search form.

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  • #417237



    I’m using custom code to add some category content to the top, below the page title.

    My code is below:

    function addSectionInCategoryArchive_product_category() {
    	if( is_product_category( array( 232, 1889 ) ) ) {
    	echo do_shortcode('[html_block id="11592"]');
    add_action( 'woodmart_after_header', 'addSectionInCategoryArchive_product_category', 5);

    The problem is that the content of the html code (I wrote the word shortcode there) gets to the product search page.

    Could you help me – maybe I’m using the hook incorrectly or are there other hooks that can help me?

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    Sorry, you can close the topic, I found the problem



    We are glad you have found the solution.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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