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Theme update failure

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  • #191166

    [email protected]


    I can’t update the theme updates.

    Can you help me out with the error “Update Failed: The package could not be installed. PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature”

    I have tried to deactivate the theme and go to update and press on check again and then reactivated the theme with the purchase code and then gone to appearance and tried to update the theme once again but with the same error.



    First of all thanks for choosing our Theme, we are glad to be you in the WoodMart WordPress family :).

    Follow the following steps:

    1. Go to Dashboard -> WoodMart -> Theme License and deactivate the theme.

    2. Go to Dashboard -> Updates and click on Check Again.

    3. Activate the theme with your purchase code again.

    4. Try to update the theme via Appearance -> Themes or via Dashboard -> Updates.

    If it does not help, make the full backup of your site and update via FTP

    Read our detailed documentation for further help: https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/update-theme-2/

    If you need help, provide FTP access and the site WP Admin Login to the private content area of this topic.

    Best Regards.


    [email protected]


    I have already tried that, i sent the details in private.
    Please check that

    Best Regards


    Artem Temos

    We just tried that and updated the theme successfully. Please, check how it works now.

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