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Translate Header

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  • #103753



    How can i translate header elements such HTML Blocks with WPML?

    Thank you



    You need to create HTML block for the translation and insert the shortcode via Strings Translations
    Navigate to WPML > String Translation > Choose the admin_text_basel_option from the dropdown and find the title and the content block http://prntscr.com/lx5qpz and http://prntscr.com/mbfd1g

    Best Regards




    I change the block from Basel theme options but in WPML i see the old HTML Block.



    Please specify where you apply the HTML block as well as HTML shortcode.

    Best Regrds



    I set in Basel Theme Options-> Header -> Other the EN of HTML Block and then the EL i try to set in WPML but there i see the old HTML Block id now thats i set in theme options.



    You insert initial HTML shortcode into Theme Options-> Header -> Other
    and then

    Navigate to WPML > String Translation > Choose the admin_text_basel_option from the dropdown and find the title and the content block http://prntscr.com/lx5qpz and http://prntscr.com/mbfd1g

    Have you done that?

    Please provide your site admin access for checking.

    Best Regards



    I do these steps and in WPML it shows me the old HTML Block. So, to solve that i change it from DB.

    Thank you



    1. Create two HTML blocks for two different languages in the default language

    2. Fill the block with the content in different languages.

    3. Insert the first block into the Theme Settings > Header > Other in your default language

    4. Navigate to WPML > String Translation > Choose the admin_text_basel_option from the dropdown and find the title and the content block http://prntscr.com/lx5qpz and http://prntscr.com/mbfd1g

    Best Regards

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