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Translation to french issue

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  • #467504


    I translate the whole theme in french. It took a lot of work to make po file but i notice some stuff jsut dont work.
    For exemple what inside [woodmart_wishlist] remain in englais. I dunno where to edit it and how to create po file for it. I also notice that filter on the product list remain in english even if i provide translation inside po file with locotranslate. So i want to know if it’s me doing wrong or it’s a bug. I also notice move over The neart button show “My wish list” and dont show it translated. Probably many other part not translated but i wish to completly translate it. Any hint?



    Please check and replace the strings in the Theme settings > Shop Wishlist/Compare.

    Also Theme Settings > Login/Register.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    well not working. text inside is: Vous n’avez encore aucun produit dans votre liste de souhaits. <br> Vous trouverez de nombreux produits intĂ©ressants sur notre page “Boutique”. look second screenshot.
    third screenshot show wishlist and logout not been translated also.
    Screenshot 4 its mouse over show text remaining in english.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    Please insert the site admin access into the Private content below the message area. We will take a closer look at the case.

    Best Regards



    Please insert the site admin access into the Private content below the message area. We will take a closer look at the case.

    Best Regards



    Did you receive the credencial? I see its noted as anwsered but its not.



    Sorry for the confusion, something wrong happened with the topic.

    You need to translate this file: Themes woodmart woodmart-en_CA.po (system)

    In addition, you need to replace the stings in the Theme Settings > Shop > Wishlist.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards


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