Home Forums WoodMart support forum Urgent help needed: Woodmart theme import stops at 30%

Urgent help needed: Woodmart theme import stops at 30%

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  • #567549



    I’m reaching out to the community for urgent assistance with an issue I’m experiencing with the Woodmart theme. When attempting to import the default template, the process consistently stops at 30%, and I receive the following error message: “The import could not be completed due to a low timeout limit on the server. You need to contact your hosting provider and ask them to increase it to 300 seconds.”

    Given the urgency of this matter, especially considering that I have paid for assistance to ensure a swift resolution, I kindly request your intervention. Could someone please provide guidance on how to resolve this timeout issue during the template import process? Any tips, workarounds, or insights into adjusting server settings or theme files to bypass this problem would be greatly appreciated.


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    Artem Temos


    Thank you so much for purchasing our theme and contacting our support center.

    Please disable any plugins not directly related to our theme and provide us with your admin access details. We will log in to your dashboard and investigate the issue. Please ensure that you only keep the following plugins that are necessary for our theme to work correctly:
    – WoodMart core
    – WooCommerce
    – Elementor/WPBakery Page Builder

    Thank you in advance.



    we have tried the fix provided but still it is bot working and the issue remain same ,So i am proving you the admin panel access to resolve this issue ASAP.



    NOTE : The theme we want is electronics 2.


    Artem Temos

    Sorry, but the account information seems to be wrong, and we can’t check this issue.



    Sorry about the mishap. I have provided you with my proper credentials. Please Fix this ASAP. Thank you 🙂



    My issue has been not resolved yet?


    Artem Temos


    We just checked the import mechanism and see that your server returns a timeout error. That is why the import can’t be completed. You need to contact your hosting provider and ask to increase the timeout limit in order to fix the import function

    Kind Regards



    I asked Hostinger support to increase the timeout limit and their reply is:
    (Since the changes to the .htaccess and wp-config.php files haven’t resolved the issue, it seems that the server-level configuration is overriding these settings. In shared hosting environments, certain limits are set for server resources to ensure stability and performance for all users on the platform. )

    1. ) I have changed the @ini_set(‘max_execution_time’, 600); in the wp-config.php
    2.) I have changed the php_value max_execution_time 600 in the .htaccess file also.
    3.) I have also Increased the PHP Memory Limit define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘256M’); in the wp-config.php file.

    Still, the issue hasn’t been resolved it gives the same error and in my current plan the max time-out limit can’t be changed in php.ini and also I cannot change my plan,. So, kindly please help me by importing the (Electronics 2) theme manually in small chunks in (wp-content/upload) or some other method if possible.

    If the situation can’t be resolved I would like a refund of my purchase as I cannot use the theme due to this theme import error.

    Thank You,


    Artem Temos

    If you can’t increase the timeout then this hosting can’t handle the dummy content import, unfortunately. And we can’t split it into parts. So if you want, you can request a refund on this page https://themeforest.net/refund_requests/new


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