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Why can’t I search by category on mobile?

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    Why can’t I search by category on mobile?
    Is there a solution?



    Sorry, but the categories dropdown is not available for mobile search. This is how it works by default.

    Best Regards



    Thanks for the reply, but the navigation is for mobile, how can I do when I upload 5000 products to filter the results?
    Do you have a plugin to suggest?
    But excuse me if I allow myself this should be solved for this beautiful theme that you have made.



    You can add the categories in “Popular requests” to the search in Theme Settings -> General -> Search.

    For filtering results with a large number of products (e.g., 5000), you can add the filters in the sidebar area. You can add the filters in the sidebar from Appearance >> Widgets >> Add the widgets in the Shop page Widget area.

    Please check this Manual:

    Best Regards



    Good morning, I attach the link of the perfect search in my opinion especially for mobile, it combines the search with the category filter etc, the solutions given are valid but for searches on phones insufficient.
    1) the first one does not search for anything can highlight categories particularly searched
    2) I added the category menu but it does not find a word

    Do you have other ideas? That are close to this?




    The funnel that can filter the search is very beautiful and elegant but on the phone it is imperceptible, in my opinion obviously, if it were possible to display filters above the results found it would be uglier but more effective.



    You can try using the products search widget from Appearance >> Widgets and try adding it to the Shop page widget area.

    Best Regards



    Thanks for the suggestion, but in mobile mode the filter and search are hidden.
    1- Could we try to permanently display the icon on the left, is there a setting somewhere?

    2- Or we can insert a “search” icon in the menu, which opens the filter and search section, as it now opens when you tap on the funnel icon, it would be a solution for mobile for me otherwise it is difficult to find a specific product from a large catalog.
    The customer is not happy with the search, wastes time and changes site.

    Solution 1 and 2 together would be great for me.

    Let me know if you can do it.

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    Add Filters to the Shop filters Widget Area
    Go to Appearance > Widgets and add the desired filters to the Shop Filters Widget Area.

    Enable Shop Filters
    Navigate to Theme Settings > Shop > Shop Filters and enable the Shop Filters option.

    Keep the Filters Area Open
    Enable the Shop Filters Area Always Opened option to ensure the filters remain visible by default.

    Follow this guide:

    Best Regards



    Thanks for the support and patience, the theme is very beautiful and functional, thanks to all the programmers.

    I read the instructions and applied the suggestion to keep the filters fixed, unfortunately in mobile view they are positioned at the bottom after the products and this is not practical for those who search, you can write a snippet to add to the theme to display the filters above the products in mobile view.

    In this way I can direct searches to the shop page that will show the search field and the filters before the products and I solved it-

    thanks for everything,



    Sorry to hear about the inconvenience. Kindly, please share your Site WP-ADMIN Login details in the Private Content field so that we can check this concern on your Site and help you out accordingly.

    Best Regards






    The issue has been successfully resolved. I have enabled the “Shop Filters” option under Theme Settings > Product Archive > Shop Filters, and the filters are now displaying above the products as intended.

    Best Regards



    Hi, anyway thanks for the support.
    Solved? Maybe!
    In attachment 1 you can see with the filters always open with html block it is impossible to search for a product by name.

    In attachment 2 with filters always open with widgets adding the product search by name and the concept works.
    Unfortunately and here I ask for help I would like the search to be at the top first compared to the other filters.
    Even though I set it at the top as you can see on the mobile device it appears under the price filter.

    Also the widget area is full of general errors in red and I don’t understand, why?

    Thanks for helping me.

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    I also added the filter by product category and that also does not appear under product search as inserted in the widget.
    Now I do not touch anything anymore waiting for your input.

    Furthermore, by always keeping the filter widget open not on a whim, but for actual utility to be able to search for products and filter them by category and more, a situation that in my opinion is not very thorough in the theme, a double display of the filters is created on the web that should be adjusted in such a way that if we are on mobile this filter is always active, but on the web it should be hidden (the filters that are always visible hide and leave the lateral ones).

    Sorry, but the theme is beautiful and for me it is essential that the search can be carried out well otherwise the customers leave and go to other sites.


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    With the help of Theme Presets, you can select Is mobile condition. https://ibb.co/yR89vmL
    Then go to Theme Setting and configure the filters settings only for mobile.

    Check our article about theme preset – https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/theme-settings-presets/

    Best Regards



    I would like to know something about this most important. maybe you have not read.
    see attachment

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    Please try installing the Classic Widgets plugin. This should resolve the issue and enable the widget to function correctly on your site.

    Best Regards



    unfortunately not solved

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    Please review your website and verify the issue. The Product Search is currently appearing at the top of the shop page on mobile devices. Navigate to Theme Settings > Product Archive > Shop Filters > Enable the option “Hide “Sort by” widget”.

    Best Regards



    Hello and thanks anyway for the support that I imagine is stressful.
    There are the following problems:

    1) If I enable the price filter (and I would like it not with the numbers but with the bar as expected) the filter order changes and category and search by name go below.

    2) The order of the widget is not respected in fact I would like the filter by Brand (as set) under the price but instead it is at the bottom.

    3) Web display big problem, I have not understood at all how I can hide the Widget filter area on the page, to show only one filter and not double as it appears. (now I have hidden everything but I have already sent exhaustive screenshots)

    It seems to me that we are complicating our lives and I would go back to a simple solution that I had found in the past few days.

    The solution is to create a button on the mobile menu, which with a command as happens by clicking “the funnel”, opens the sidebar with all the filters and the product search.

    I would like the code to insert please I will create the button myself.

    Is it possible to create this?
    I see no alternatives.


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    01. Please use the Filter Product by Price widget then it will work like the price slider. This is the way it works.

    02. To arrange the Widgets within the Sidebar, drag and drop the widgets in the order you want.

    03. The off-canvas sidebar button is already available on your site in the shop page on mobile. Simply click on it, and you will see all the filter widgets displayed with a single click. There’s no need to create an additional button for this functionality.

    Best Regards



    Good morning Aizaz Imtiaz Awan,
    For all points 1, 2, I apologize because I was changing “shop page widget area” instead of “shop filter” and this made me get the questions wrong.

    A) There remains the problem of hiding “shop filter” this for web and tablet viewing because people expect it to be lateral vertical by default.
    That is, viewing fixed it is double I should hide the sidebar for web but it is too right for web, so it would be necessary to hide for web and tablet the “shop filter” which instead is displayed on both web, tablet and mobile.

    B) How do you change the wording “show sidebar” that opens the sidebar?

    C) I tried to search in web format and I invite you to do so:
    In the product field “matte”
    In the category “Accessories – Bathroom”

    In web format there is only one product, perfect!:

    In mobile format by going to the shop page and using the shop filter system

    it only shows the results of the 2 categories, but it could be 10 or 100 or 1000.
    The search is not objective.

    This is a big problem, more than anything else.

    Could you tell me that “face-mirror” is still displayed, but the
    result why is it different from the web to the mobile?

    I will find myself cataloging 8,800 chemical products and accessories for
    swimming pools, which have many similar names and the same chemical elements, of various brands and the search for the product is fundamental.

    From mobile the search is approximate and people do not find what they are looking for immediately they leave and visits are 80/90% on mobile.
    I am surprised that this theme is very beautiful but has not considered this.

    Let me know please.
    Thanks again,



    If you want to remove the shop filters for desktop and tablet views:

    Navigate to Theme Settings > Products Archive > Locate the Shop Filters option and disable it.

    Then Use Theme Presets to apply conditions for mobile devices:
    Go to Theme Presets and select the “Is mobile” condition. https://ibb.co/yR89vmL

    Then go to the Theme Setting of this preset and enable the shop filters settings only for mobile.
    Check our article about theme presets – https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/theme-settings-presets/

    02. Navigate to Layouts > Layouts and edit Product Archive layout Switch to mobile device, edit and you can change the button text.

    03. Could you please record a short video so we can better understand how to reproduce the issue?

    Best Regards



    Hi Aizaz,
    since you have the credentials, I admit I can’t
    1) Hide the filters on the shop page in web and tablet format
    2) In mobile format I can’t hide the showsidebar buttons.

    You would do me a great favor if you could do it, so we can solve the problem.
    Let me know if you can.

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    Your issue has been resolved. Check back on your site and check the issue.

    Best Regards



    Thanks Aizaz but no.

    See the attachments I sent I would like to hide what is in the colored rectangle.

    In the Desktop and Tablet view the shop page I would like the fixed sidebar to be visible and hide the filters.

    In the mobile view I would like the sidebar to be hidden and not even the funnel icon to activate it and that the filters on the shop page are visible.




    Could you please share a screenshot of the page and highlight the specific areas you’d like to hide? Additionally, it would be helpful if you could include some text annotations on the screenshot to specify the changes you want for Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile views. This will ensure we fully understand your requirements and provide an accurate solution.

    Best Regards




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    Your issue has been resolved. I have added the custom css code in Theme Settings > Custom CSS. Check back on your site and check the issue.

    Best Regards

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