Is it theoretically possible to have 25 sliders on the home page, without it negatively affecting page load? Correct me if I am wrong, but it seems the Woodmart slider only loads the first slider on page load, not all of them. If that’s the case, surely we can have as many slides as we want?
Sorry you were not specific enough. When I look at page speed insights I only see the first image of the Woodmart Slider loading, even if there are 20 slides. Now you tell me that the “first images of all sliders will be loaded on initial page load“. This I do not undertsand. It is either onle the first image or all images surely?
Please can you check this point with your lead developer and come back to me. Thank you.
Kindly see the link in private content (I want to keep it out of public view).
I’m only interested in the Woodmart slider images, not the other images on page.